Dear students,

Here, you will write your 10 ideas (per team) about the topic of the " Land Pollution " that you consider important to observe or change in your school context.

Member 1: Recycling Drive
Member 2: Miss Redux Classroom
Member 3: School Library
Member 4: Compost bin


  1. Bueno Integrantes Del Grupo
    1° Yenni Gonzales"Reciclaje Drive"
    *Podemos Usar El Papel U Otro Material Reciclable Para Usarlo En Diversas Actividades.
    *Existen Diversas Acciones Para Convertirlas En Materia Prima A Cambio De Dinero.
    *Se Pueden Hacer Campañas Con Los Amigos,Compañeros Del Colegio Para Reciclar.
    2°Anita Uribe"Miss Aula Redux"
    *Existen Tres Tipos De "R" Reducir,Reutilizar,Reciclar.
    *En Los Supermercados Llevemos Siempre Una Bolsa De Tela Todas Las Veces Para No Gastar Cada Vez Q Vamos Al Supermercado.
    3°LAiner Trujillo "Biblioteca De La Escuela"
    *LA Biblioteca Es Una Buena Opcion Para Investigar Sobre El Reciclaje.
    *Usemos Los Libros De La Bibloteca Para No Comprar Mas Y Asi No Talar Mas Arboles.
    *Existen Periodicos Y Presentaciones Virtuales Para No Usar Tanto El Periodico Y Asi Ahorrar La Tala De Arboles.
    4°Linda Marcela Zapata "Compsot Bin"
    *Existen Opciones Para Preservar El Suelo Como El Compost.
    *Los Estudiantes Unidos Podemos Ser Creativos E Incentivar A Mas Personas A Crear Instrumentos Para Preservar El Suelo.

  2. miembro 1 recycling drive

    *que si todos ponemos de su parte podemos organizar campañas en la ciudad o colegio para reciclar
    *que miremos que la contaminación es un problema pero que si ayudamos a descontaminarla nos beneficia en el colegio y fuera de el.
    *que si nosotros no tiráramos los chicles al suelo del colegio no morirían pajaritos
    *que cada-bes que veamos un estudiante tirando un papel al suelo le dijéramos que cuando el hace eso esta contaminando el suelo que mas bien lo alce y lo ponga en una caneca de reciclaje
    *que también podemos reciclar fuera del colegio para beneficio del planeta
    *que reciclemos con eso tenemos mas espacio en el colegio para hacer nuestras actividades
    *que los docentes del colegio y también el rector del colegio nos ayuden a hacer aquellas campañas y que nos quiten esos malos olores de los baños
    *nosotros debemos cuidar de nosotros mismos reciclando porque si no lo hacemos dentro del colegio donde se ve mucho la contaminación de suelo nos podemos enfermar
    *no tirar papeles dentro del colegio porque eso da mas como dicen por hay cuerda para que talen mas arboles
    *cuidar mas el planeta reciclando en colegios, asiendo campañas

  3. Hola!
    Del grupo yo soy el miembro #3 School Library.

    *La en los libros de nuestra escuela se pueda sacar informacion sobre todo de la contaminacion.
    *En los libros se pueden sacar formas de reciclaje,como aprenderseloy como enseñar.
    *Se pueden hacer campañas sobre el recicleje por medio de publicidades, presentaciones virtuales como en power point, etc.
    *Se pueden comprar los libros necesarios en la escuela y no comprar mas para evitar las de los arboles en el mundo y tener un aire fresco y limpio.
    *Se pueden hacer libros nuevos en nuestra escuela para que los niños aprendan mas sobre este problema natural.

  4. 1. * Used correctly recliclaje cans.
    2. * No littering school.
    3. * Perform cleaning of green areas.
    4. * Give talks to students about pollution and its consequences.
    5. * That in our school books can get information on everything from pollution and campaigning to put into practice what they found in the book.
    6. * Taking care of the planet more recycling in schools so they can reuse things.
    7. * You can make campaigns with friends, classmates and recycling to clean haci colejio himself to be a nice place to parents and students.
    8. * Students can be creative together and encourage more people to create tools to preserve the ground to realize that this susediendo pollution.
    9. * To campaign for people to realize that there are three types of "R" Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and haci himself apply to your daily life.
    10. * You can make campaigns on recicleje through advertising, virtual presentations as poower point, or otherwise as the comic etc. for people to learn all about soil contamination.

  5. Hello!
    Of the group I am member # 3 School Library.

    * The books in our school can get information on everything from pollution.
    * In the books can take forms of recycling, such as teaching aprenderseloy.
    * You can make campaigns on recicleje through advertising, virtual presentations like power point, etc..
    * You can buy the necessary books in school and not buy more to avoid the trees in the world and have a fresh, clean air.
    * You can make new books for our school children to learn more about this natural problem.

  6. Hola'___ ♥-From My group'm number # 2 (Miss Classroom Redux)

    * I Toka anything having to do with technology Sere responsible for making Flyers, Logos, Banners ETC ... Campaigns you need to make them aware people from Qer We're Doing Damage, AND START Recycling.

    1_Con the union of all in the group We Campaigns where students and people take consiencia That we are polluting our planet and this unfortunately will have consequences.

    2_We assemblies where we teach people the importance of recycling and how to recycle.

    3_Ayudaremos A students to use well Cans Of College Caneca as each has a color and different materials, so that Haci easier to choose what is recyclable and what is not garbage.

    4_Una good option would be that in any supermarket or shops of all Class HRD These biodegradable bags help the planet.

    5_Es nice and cozy to have a garden at school where we all responsible Hgamos The greenest Habra Haci.

    6_Cada time you see a student littering the ground we will Lectures of gravity that is making confident that not Make it again.

    These are some of my ideas, that will make known to my group!

  7. My Number is #4 summarizing am
    1. Usted puede comprar los libros necesarios en la escuela y no comprar más para evitar los árboles en el mundo y tienen un aire fresco y limpio.
    2. Puedes hacer nuevos libros para los niños de nuestra escuela para aprender más acerca de este problema natural.
    3.Con the union of all in the group We Campaigns where students and people take consiencia That we are polluting our planet And This Will Have consequences.y unfortunately we are not as siegos not realize our odioseria of penasr in yourself and not in worldwide.
    4.d have to put recycling baskets in every corner of the colleges to prevent massive pollution.
    5. Campaigns can be done with friends, classmates to recycle, to prevent pollution and death consequences.
    6.are harmed by pollution rather domestic a flora and fauna.
    7.Campaigns we can make with friends, classmates and recycling to clean himself haci school to be a nice place to parents and students and other cities in order to have more people supporting against pollution.
    8.Resiclemos fuera del colegio para disminir la contaminacion.
    9.poner canastas en todo el municipio para disminuir la contaminacionen el planeta tierra.
    10.hagamos campañas municipales y educativas para mejorar la contaminacion en el mundo yhaci no habra muchedumbre.

  8. mi number is #3
    1.You can make new books for our school children to learn more about this natural problem.
    2.Una good option would be that in any supermarket or shops of all Class HRD These biodegradable bags help the planet.
    3.Campaigns can be done with friends, classmates to recycle, to prevent pollution and death consequences.
    4.Perform cleaning of green areas.
    5.Existen Opciones Para Preservar El Suelo Como El Compost.
    6.Se Pueden Hacer Campañas Con Los Amigos,Compañeros Del Colegio Para Reciclar.

  9. -There are options to preserve the soil as compost.
    -The United Students can be creative and encourage more people to develop tools to preserve the soil.
    -that if we do not we threw the gum on the floor of the school would not die birds
    -each-bes to see a student pulling down a role when we told you that does that is contaminating the soil rather hold him and put him in a garbage can recycle
    -we can also recycle out of school for the planet
    -Students can be creative together and Encourage more people to create tools to preserve the ground to realize That this susediendo pollution.
    . - To campaign for people to realize That there are three types of "R" Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and haci himself apply to your daily life.

  10. hola soy el miembro #4
    los integrantes del grupo son =
    mota, diaz jorge , camilo

    * Q we must do more sympathetic to the earth and help making advertising campaigns
    * Q is better to the library and not buy books for q not cut trees
    * Investigate more about pollution and how we can stop it
    * Do not use plastic bags to dump vasura if not throw them in bags ecological q
    * Be more understanding of our planet
    * Not throwing chewing gum on the ground if a slip wrap q for q the birds not to eat them and drown
    * Do not burn trash next to the trees because wither
    q We should start cyclized to not use both bikes and cars for q not pollute the environment both
    * Put fines to persons trash boten q rivers
    * Put baskets everywhere in the world to reduce pollution
    * Not clog drains with garbage because that happens to the rivers

  11. Laura Ximena Rivas
    1. Podemos USAR El Papel U Otro material Reciclable Para Usarlo En Diversas Actividades.
    2. existencial Diversas Acciones Para Convertirlas En Materia Prima A Cambio De Dinero.
    3.Los estudiantes pueden ser creativos juntos y animar a más gente a crear herramientas para preservar el suelo para darse cuenta de que esta contaminación sucediendo
    4.Las campañas se pueden hacer con amigos, compañeros de clase para reciclar, para prevenir la contaminación y las consecuencias de muerte
    5.hagamos Campañas municipales y Educativas párr mejorar la contaminacion en el Mundo yhaci no habra muchedumbre
